Episode #1

An introduction to who we are and what Fallen Short Podcast will be about.


  1. Ginelle

    I am excited for you both as you launch out on this new journey!

  2. Tara

    Why didn’t I know you guys were doing a podcast together!
    This is awesome, you guys are awesome. I’ll be bing-listening to catch up.

  3. Jon Resa

    Hey O! This is not my normal Fantasy Football Podcast genre, but it will suffice. 🙂

    Very cool to see you both doing this. Nice work!

  4. Sarah

    So happy you two started this podcast! May God bless your journey and may your audience continue to grow because of your obedience and heart for the Word of God! I love that you are real about your marriage, life and faith! I was like I was sitting down with you on your deck for a visit! You two bless me greatly!
